GMP Volunteer Service

An exciting volunteer opportunity to serve the underprivileged and contribute to development in Malawi

GMP Volunteer Service

Growth Malawi Passionate (GMP) Volunteer Service is a community of passionate individuals from all backgrounds who have the desire and passion to use their talent, skills, expertise, energy, time and resources to address a particular problem/challenge facing people in one or more communities in Malawi. GPM is founded on four principles of love, networking, support for and from everyone, and ownership as follows.

  • Love: GMP volunteers believe that everyone deserves to love and be loved, and that real love rests on being there for each other both in times of joy and sadness.

  • Networking. GMP volunteers relies on team work to address big challenges and create lasting impact.

  • Support. GMP volunteers believe that everyone has some points when s/he needs support from others and also that everyone has the ability to support someone else.

  • Ownership. GMP empowers the beneficiaries of each intervention to fully participate and take ownership so as to build sustainability.

GMP Volunteers work in teams on small to large community projects in different communities across the country. These projects maybe from any filed including but not limited to: Good governance and accountability, community engagement, communications and publicity, resource mobilization, accounting and finance, monitoring and evaluation, psychosocial counsellors, business mentors, construction, educators, and more.

GMP Volunteer Services & Activities

GMP Volunteer projects focus on community need(s). These projects may come from any filed including but not limited to:

  • Construction of school blocks, ECD centres, community clinics, teacher's house, etc.

  • Construction of a community/school borehole

  • Establishment of a community solar-power plant

  • Community sensitization and mobilization to address gender-based violence (GBV), school dropout, early and unwanted pregnancies, early and forced marriages, drug and substance abuse, etc

  • Good governance, accountability and corruption prevention

  • Health including mental health, SRHR, etc

  • Capacity building for small and medium enterprises

  • Education which includes offering after-school lessons, capacity building for teachers and school management, school bursaries, etc.

  • Environment, Climate Change, Emergencies and Disaster Management

  • Agriculture, Agribusiness and Livelihood

  • Innovations, ICT and creativity

  • Arts, Sports, Recreation and Culture

Join GMP Volunteer Services

GMP Volunteers work in teams on impactful projects that range from small, medium to large projects in different communities across the country. In their teams, volunteers work on different roles which include both physical and remote positions. You may choose to work on any capacity that best fits your interest, skills, time commitment, and location. Below are some of the volunteer capacities:

  • Management and leadership

  • Community engagement, mobilization and facilitation

  • Communications and publicity

  • Resource mobilization and management

  • Accounting and Finance

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Psychosocial counselling

  • Business mentorship and coaching,

  • Construction and engineering

  • Education and advocacy

  • Design, content creation, and artistic performance

  • Product development

  • ICT